Top attractions in Lviv

Old Town

Old town

Lviv had the good fortune of escaping major destruction in the Second World War, and its position on the trade roads between the Black Sea and Central Europe furnished it with more beautiful architecture than you can hope to get through in one visit.

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Market Square

Market square

It seems like all streets in the Old Town converge on this historic and hectic central square surrounding Lviv’s Town Hall.

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High Castle

High castle

Watching over Lviv from its northeastern fringe is High Castle Hill, the perch for the eponymous castle dating to 1250 but dismantled in the 19th century.

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Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet

Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet

Lviv’s resplendent opera house is one of the city’s symbols and stands alone on Freedom Square.
A design competition in the 1890s was won by Polish architect Zygmunt Gorgolewski, and he made a few technical innovations: This location had been marshland, watered by the Poltva River, which was diverted underground.

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City Hall

City Hall

The seat of Lviv’s city council is a medley of buildings, the oldest dating to the 14th century.
The oldest elements are towards the centre, while the western side is from the turn of the 16th century.

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Top Restaurants in Lviv

# Name Location Phone number
Papi restaurant Papi Valova St., 19, Lviv 79008 Ukraine +380 98 403 3763
Taco Taco Taqueria Taco Taco Taqueria Valova St., 19, Lviv 79008 Ukraine +380 98 403 3763
Cukor BLACK Cukor BLACK Valova St., 19, Lviv 79008 Ukraine +380 98 403 3763